Quick steps to personalize and share the appearance of Slack for your team.
Start here: Slack > Preferences > Sidebar
A short scroll down the Sidebar preferences you’ll find some pre-built themes you can choose from
If you have a style guide or an eye for color keep scrolling and you can build your own
The sidebar on the left updates to reflect your selections. The text field of hex values makes your theme easily sharable with the rest of your team
Extra Credit: Team affiliation
If, like us, you’re part of a lot of teams outside of your own in a consulting, collaborative, or advisory capacity, you can identify as such using a custom emoji and status.
First, make your emoji. Square images work best. Image can’t be larger than 128px in width or height, and must be smaller than 64K in file size.
The ability to add custom emoji can be accessed from the bottom of the pop-out emoji menu. Enter a lowercase name and select your emoji image
Select your newly added custom emoji, and enter your team name as your Status
Now your name will be accompanied by a delightful team logo in various places throughout the Slack UI (works for soccer teams too…)